Ashley Bee Esthetics knows it feels like things are changing every day. You can rest assured that one thing does remain the same. We take the safety of our clients very seriously. We also take great pride in our sanitizing and cleaning standards. Our number one priority is the safety and wellbeing of our clients.
What Safety Protocols are in Place?
In order to ensure that the environment (treatment room and communal spaces) are in tip-top shape for client appointments, we have made a change in our scheduling process. There is now a 30-minute buffer before and after each session, to allow for the thorough cleaning and sanitizing of all equipment and surfaces. To achieve maximum cleanliness, we use a solution that contains 70% alcohol content.
The removal of the on-premise waiting room is just another decision we have made to secure the safety of staff and clients. When you arrive for your appointment, please remain in your car and send a text to alert your technician that you are ready.

The arrival and check-in process includes a wellness check. The studio coordinator will take your temperature at the door with a no-contact thermometer and provide a “COVID-19 Information & Liability Waiver” for you to sign electronically before your appointment. Gloves and hand sanitizer are made readily available to you upon your visit.
A note from Ashley: “As a licensed esthetician, your safety and wellbeing is my priority. I remain committed and passionate about providing excellent customer service and a relaxing ambiance.”
During your appointment, your esthetician will be wearing a surgical mask, face shield, and/or googles. They promise to uphold a high level of hygiene for the benefit of their clients.
Waxing Tools Safety Measures
New Gloves: For every service, your esthetician will change into a new pair of gloves.
Tools: All tools will be disposed of or cleansed with a disinfectant after every client.
Waxing Sticks: Waxing sticks are never double-dipped.
Wax Bed: Wax Suite beds sanitized with disinfectant wipes after each guest; fresh bed paper is pulled for each guest.